If you have been asked to do something and are unclear about the way forward, ask – don’t assume. In my view the role of any boss is to set out clearly what is expected and when. If you are in doubt then either he or she has not done so in enough detail for you or you have not listened attentively enough. ASK! Admitting early on to not listening properly is better than delivering the wrong thing. Give yourself and them time to get the task done the way they need it. Don’t present a work product that does not meet their requirements at the eleventh hour.Continue Reading Never be afraid to ask
Sleep on it
The incoming email annoyed you to say the least. You have written your proposed response, controverted all of the points, dealt with all the inaccuracies, this email will really show them who is boss, press send and go home, what is more put your out of office on that you are not back now until tomorrow. Is that the right response? You may feel better but it is often not the right response. My preference would be that, having written it, save it to drafts and read the incoming email and your response again in the morning.Continue Reading Sleep on it
Active Listening
Taking instructions is a bit like having a really good conversation, both involve actively listening to the other person. My father, who was a thoughtful man, once told me, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason and we should use them in the same ratio!
I was reminded of this when I listened recently to an excellent Ted talk by Celeste Headlee called “10 ways to have a better conversation”. I thoroughly recommend it to you. Her rules were very clear, I have summarised my interpretation of them each after the colon.Continue Reading Active Listening