I was asked this question the other day in relation to the compensation system for a legal partnership. Many partnerships adopt broadly similar systems but they come with lots of different nuances. One of the biggest issues is whether to make it open or closed. Can all the partners see what each other partner earns each year, or is it closed and only the individual partner and the Managing Partner and whatever group of partners make up the compensation committee know? Can you say that one system is better than another? Continue Reading Compensation: Closed or Open?
Channel your fear
I am no psychologist so the thoughts that follow are simply those of my personal experience. I was moved to write this article as I recently had an insight into when a fear might be holding back an individual and their organisation. I use the word fear loosely to mean any form of worry or concern that you may have. I think we all use these terms interchangeably, we talk of “fearing that something may happen”, when we may actually mean we are simply worried or concerned. I think I have lived with fear my whole life and I think it has served me well most of the time, making me alive to and to consider the downsides of any action, but I can also see those instances where it has paralysed me from taking appropriate action. Recognising your fears, addressing them and their cause and channeling them is, I think, the key.Continue Reading Channel your fear
Change your perspective
What do you do if you cannot think of the answer?
I was out walking my dog on our usual loop early the other day. It is now dark in the morning so rather than do our normal anti-clockwise route we went clockwise to avoid the unlit part of the path early in the walk. Coming back on the unlit part once it had got light I was struck by how different the route seemed despite the number of times we had walked it in the other direction. It really struck me that there was a metaphor here for life and work.Continue Reading Change your perspective